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Moving Material in Pipe Efficiently!

Moving Material in Pipe Efficiently!

How do we most effectively remove loose material, such as sand, stone, and sludge, in pipe using pressurized water?

To understand the mission, we must state "What is the mission?".

  • Simply described, it is a TRANSPORT ASSIGNMENT! We shall move material from point A to point B using pressurized water. Point B is usually a downstream well, where the jetting truck will suck up the material.

How do we transport the material most efficiently, both in terms of money and environment?

  • A well-functioning jetting truck, with sufficient capacity for the pipe size to be cleaned and the amount of material to be removed from pipe, is of course a prerequisite.
  • A jetting truck without the proper pipe cleaning nozzle does not move any material.
  • To clean the pipe as efficient as possible, it is important to choose the right nozzle. It is common to take your "favourite" nozzle and just operate “as usual”. By doing so, you probably must pull the nozzle back and forth in pipe many times, to get all material in pipe out.

How to select the most effective cleaning nozzle:

  • To move material efficient, water-saving and environmentally friendly:
    • Choose a high-performing cleaning nozzle, type Tier 3 or 4. These nozzles have low internal pressure losses with less turbulence. Lower turbulence also results in longer and stronger water jets. This will save lots of fuel, time and water.
    • Select a nozzle with lower water jet angle.
      • A nozzle designed with higher angles on the thrusting rear jets will not be as efficient transporting the material in pipe. In addition, you must throttle up the truck much higher to be able to rapidly transport the nozzle into the pipe.
      • A common way of thinking is that the water jets use the pipe walls to help pushing itself forward in pipe. This is not true. You can easily do your own test. Use a high-pressure washer. Direct the jet stream straight into the air and then against a wall. The power from the jet will be the same in both cases.
    • Low angles on the thrusting rear jets are therefore optimal. Imagine that you are travelling to the moon in a rocket. If you have 30-45 degrees on the jet stream, you will not get very far.
      • The angles must be correct allowing the water to reach the pipe inner wall before turning into mist. If this is done, material will remain on the sides of the pipe. A high-performing cleaning nozzle (Tier 3 or 4) keep the jets together longer and further behind the nozzle and therefore these types of nozzles can be designed with much lower jet angle.
    • In a Tier 3 or 4 cleaning nozzle, the pressure drop inside the nozzle is very low. This allows the nozzle to clean with fewer water jets staying together longer and further behind the nozzle, compared with Tier 2 and 1 nozzle
    • Select a cleaning nozzle adapted to the pipe size.
    • Assure that the cleaning nozzle is set up and optimized for your jetting truck capacity and hose size.
    • If the length of hose needed is long, it is an advantage to work with a high-quality thermoplastic hose, e.g., Parker ESH250 PLUS2. With lower weight, nozzle transports the hose faster into pipe. In addition, the pressure drop in the hose decreases by about 20-25%, compared with fabric-reinforced rubber hose.

How to work:

  • Many people in the business believe a high pressure at the nozzle is the way best way to success. The truth is that when the pressure at the nozzle is too high, the cleaning job becomes counterproductive. The total cleaning cost escalate as well as time used, with poorer result.
  • Do not throttle up! Use max 60 bar (900 psi) at the cleaning nozzle when pulling back the hose.
  • The retraction speed of the jetting hose is another factor. The cleaning nozzle shall rapidly travel up the line, and then be pulled back slowly.

There is a lot of money to be saved by doing the right choices! In addition, you reduce the impact on our environment - by using less water and less fuel.

Are you curious to learn more? Get in touch with us and we will tell you more about how you can save money and the environment while increasing efficiency.

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